Our Philosophy
At Meadowlark School, we honor children as complete and capable individuals, with the right to develop their own educational experiences alongside their teachers. We encourage them to be actively engaged in problem solving and critical thinking and to find their own unique voices in a supportive, caring environment. We believe that nature connection is integral to healthy growth and development of young people. Through our curriculum, classroom spaces, and schedule, we prioritize nature connection and immersion. There is countless research attesting to the fact that being out in nature positively effects the mind and body - for both children and adults alike. Getting outside and connecting with nature promotes better mental health, reduces stress levels, and has an overall positive effect on physical health; in addition, children who have ample time to connect with nature and freely play are shown to have greater intellectual and academic achievement.
Our Guiding Principles:
Children are capable to construct their own learning
Children are collaborators and learn through interaction within their communities
Children are natural communicators and should be encouraged to express themselves however they feel they can.
The classroom environment acts as the third teacher
Teachers are partners, nurturers, and guides who help facilitate the exploration of children’s interests as they work on short and long-term projects.
Documentation is a critical component of communication
Parents are partners in education
Our Goals:
To support whole child development and learning within a safe, respectful, and harmonious environment.
To immerse children in nature, teaching them wonder, respect, and reverence.
We strive towards courteous and cooperative behavior through our activities, lessons, and culture.
To encourage each student to explore their world through hands on experiences and to express themselves and their learning process through their work.
To foster community with all parents, families, and neighbors through place based education and community events